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So beautiful! it sound so real !

Rain.jpgOn peut découvrir de vraies pépites sur la toile, comme en témoigne ce clip que vient de me faire découvrir Olivier.

Postée sur You Tube a blogosphère commence à la relayer, un peu partout dans le monde.

Question : qui a enregistré ce petit chef d'œuvre ?

Pas réussi à le découvrir !

Alors comme Jo, qui l'a découverte dès la mi Juillet, je ne peux que dire : "I would recommend that you just close your eyes and listen to it first and then watch the visual. I don’t know who orchestrated it and where did this happen, so if any of you get any more info on this, please pass on".

Ou plus brièvement, comme sur les commentaires de You Tube : "Easily the most impressive thing I have seen on YouTube! Bravissimo!"

Si par hasard comme connaissez les artistes, merci d'ajouter un commentaire.

10:42 Publié dans Web 2.0 | Lien permanent | Commentaires (2) |  Facebook | | Pin it!


Blogs are so interactive where we get lots of informative on any topics nice job keep it up !!

Écrit par : dissertation writing help | 16/09/2009

Le groupe s'appelle Perpetuum Jazzile, le reste je le laisse à un extrait de wikipedia:

Perpetuum Jazzile is a Slovenian choir that performs jazz and popular music. It was founded as Gaudeamus Chamber Choir in 1983 by Marko Tiran. In 2001, Tiran passed the art directorship of the choir to Tomaž Kozlevčar.
The choir consists of both female and male singers. They are occasionally augmented by jazz instrumentalists from the RTV Slovenia Big Band and Slovenian pop stars such as Alenka Godec, 6 Pack Čukur, Alya, Oto Pestner, Jan Plestenjak, Nuša Derenda and others.

The choir uses a wide spectrum of jazz styles, performing complex and dense harmonies,characteristic of close harmony music.

Two separate YouTube videos of their performance of "Africa" had more than 5 million views combined since first publishing in May 2009 until August 2009.

Écrit par : stephane corre | 29/09/2009

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